You may make your donation from the main page right now. Select the thank you gift(s) you are interested in to be placed in your cart. Each item has a minimum amount, but you are welcome to enter in a larger amount. If you’ve chosen an item such as a shirt or an hour with a DJ, you’ll also be asked for specifics (size, which DJ, etc.). Once you have finished your selection(s) you may either view your cart, or go directly to the checkout page, where you’ll be asked for payment information and you’re done.

Not a problem! Select Give with No Gift and enter the amount you wish to donate. You may also send donations directly to the station at:
12345 El Monte Road
Los Altos Hills, CA 94022

Through the online donation site, KFJC accepts payments via Visa and Mastercard. If you wish to make a donation by money orders or personal checks please make them payable to “Foothill-De Anza College Foundation” and mention “KFJC” in the memo line of all checks.

KFJC uses a secure web server to capture your name, address, and credit card information. Our server software, the industry-standard SSL, is the best encryption software available today for secure commerce transactions. All of your information is secure. In addition, none of your information will ever be given to any parties outside of KFJC.

Yes, your donation to KFJC is tax deductible in the amount of your donation, less the fair market value of any thank you gift(s) you receive. A statement of the fair market value of your thank you gift(s) will be included with your thank you gift(s).

Yes, we will send you a receipt for tax purposes.

Yes, absolutely. Many companies (not only corporate giants) provide funds to match charitable donations made by their employees to non-profit organizations such as KFJC. You may be surprised to learn that revenues generated from matching grant programs provide a significant portion of KFJC’s annual revenue. Please contact your employer’s Human Resources Department for more information regarding matching grant programs. Participation usually only requires filling out a single form. Help corporate America help non-commercial KFJC.

As soon as your payment clears, please allow 4 to 6 weeks for your gift to arrive.

Thank you for thinking of KFJC! Click here to Donate Now

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